I was a bit surprised when the parade ended with the holy man himself, blessing the crowd, chasing out snakes, and acting the host much like his fellow-beatified legend St. Nick does in December.
That same day, the racing yachts in port with the Volvo Ocean Race (mentioned last posting) had an in-harbor sprint for a few points prior to resuming on the next leg from New Zealand to Brazil around Cape Horn.
Earlier in the week we even got to board the Kiwi entry in the race, sponsored by Camper, a Spanish shoe company.
These boats are really lean, mean, racing machines. The galley cook can only boil water so the meals are all dehydrated food,
and the head is likewise quite basic.
We took a ferry across the water to a small neighborhood in North Auckland, Devonport, to get a better view of the goings-on.

After a full day, we retired before the drunken excesses of the one-day-a-year Irish, but not before seeing the Sky Tower bathed in green light, a fitting tribute.
Sunday we moved into our long-term apartment, and Monday work started for real. More on those topics later.
It seems as though the sky tower is to the north island as Mt. Cook is to the south island, kind of the focal point. And wow the sky tower all lit up like that is so pretty. Mt. Cook wasn't lit up all green for St. Paddy's day when you guys were there? Haha
Never thought of it like that, but apt I guess. We miss you.
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